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    5 June 2023

    The Psychology Behind Designing Co-Working Spaces

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    In today’s world, co-working spaces have become a popular choice for many professionals. These spaces are not just about providing a physical space to work, but also offer an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and productivity. As designer David Schwarz once said, “A great co-working space empowers people and inspires them to do their best work.” From flexible layouts to communal areas, these spaces are designed to cater to the needs of all professionals. But have you ever stopped to think about how these spaces are designed? Let’s take a closer look.

    In most co-working spaces, you’ll observe a vibrant space meticulously designed with an open-plan layout and ample windows inviting natural light. Curating an atmosphere of accessibility and openness, co-working spaces implore community building, and collaboration among peers. Moreover, without cubicle walls in the way, striking up a conversation with colleagues and making new acquaintances is effortless. Many of these spots also host networking events that provide excellent opportunities to widen your professional circle and amplify your enterprise.
    Additionally, co-working spaces typically have different types of seating arrangements to cater to different preferences. Some areas may have an open seating arrangement, while others may be in corners overlooking windows or with access to natural light. The design takes into consideration that everyone has a unique working style, and the space needs to be adaptable to accommodate everyone.

    Engagement areas are another important aspect of co-working spaces. These areas are designed to provide a break away from work and help employees recharge their batteries. They can include a range of activities such as reading, playing games, or engaging in conversation with others. The idea is not only to take a break but also to build relationships. Meeting new people and exchanging thoughts can lead to insights and opportunities that may not have been possible in a traditional office setting.

    Finally, colours and interior design play a critical role in co-working spaces. Different colours can have different effects on people, thus some spaces may use certain colours to create a specific mood or emotion. Apart from colours, co-working spaces also incorporate other design trends, such as biophilic, scandi-japandi, or maximalist, to name a few. Ultimately, these design choices need to be in sync with human psychology to create a comfortable working environment conducive to productivity, creativity, and collaboration.

    To sum it up, designing a co-working space goes beyond aesthetics – it’s about addressing the needs and preferences of a diverse set of professionals. Open plan layouts, bespoke engagement areas, and unique interior styles are just some of the features that make our co-working spaces exceptional, attracting professionals seeking alternatives to conventional workspaces.
    At Bowerbird Interiors, we get it. We have an in-depth understanding of human psychology and its impact on our interactions with our environment, thanks to over a decade of experience in interior design and styling. We’re all about the details, creating a space that’s both visually stunning and fosters productivity and positive energy. Plus, our logistical and warehousing expertise means we can handle any size of co-working space. By entrusting us with your co-working space revamp, you invest in a better physical space, and elevate your clients’ well-being and productivity.

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