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    1 June 2023

    Limewash: The Interior Trend That’s Good for You

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    Limewash finish has been having a major moment lately, thanks to its presence on Pinterest and TikTok. But believe it or not, this ancient painting technique has been around for centuries! Crushed limestone is burned and then mixed with water to form a paste, creating the classic limewash look. While it’s naturally off-white with a chalky texture, nowadays, natural pigments are added so you can recreate this earthy look with a splash of colour.

    Limewash is a classic style in revival, that’s here to stay, just like the Boucle trend. And it’s not just about looking good—it has health benefits too!

    Limewash finish does wonders for the air quality!
    The high pH level in lime wipes out any pesky microorganisms, making it hypoallergenic. And if that wasn’t good enough, the chemical properties of limewash can eliminate bad odours and harmful Co2, making your bedroom’s air fresher, cleaner and, more importantly, even better for those all-important good night zzz’s. And honestly, who doesn’t want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead of us?

    Oh yeah, we’re all aware of the humble dehumidifier. But why not jazz things up with some trendy wall finish? It’ll really spruce up the vibe and enhance the air quality simultaneously- all while the dehumidifier does its thing in the background.


    Did you know that the colours in your bedroom can affect your sleep quality?
    Choosing the right colour for your bedroom can impact how well you sleep at night, just like noise levels and lighting. Bright red and purple may energise you, increasing your heart rate and alertness – not the most ideal when you’re trying to snooze. In contrast, serene colours such as blues and greens promote calmness and tranquillity which can help you sleep better at night. The colours in limewash paints have been known to be a lot more soothing, making it easier for you to relax and unwind at night. Plus, Limewash paint has a unique texture that can create a tranquil Mediterranean feel, helping to alleviate stress and promote restful sleep. That’s why it’s so popular in bedrooms!

    Pssst… just so you know, limewash is also eco-friendly
    Unlike some traditional paints, this eco-friendly option doesn’t contain any harmful solvents that could damage your home or the environment. It’s made from natural lime and pigments, which makes it a safe choice. Plus, its modern versions are now using mineral-based binding agents, which keep its eco-friendly reputation on point.

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