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    20 September 2024

    Furniture in Property Styling: Choosing Pieces That Sell

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    First impressions are critical, and furniture selection plays a vital role in property styling. Strategic furniture choices can help sell a property faster and for more. The right furniture not only enhances a home’s visual appeal but also influences buyers emotionally, helping them envision living in the space. With over a decade of experience, here’s what we know works.


    Creating a Lifestyle Vision

    Furniture helps buyers imagine themselves in the home. Whether it’s a cosy sectional or sleek, modern pieces, each choice tells a story about the lifestyle the home offers. By selecting pieces that resonate with the target demographic, we help potential buyers connect emotionally with the space.

    Maximising Space and Functionality

    Furniture can change how a space is perceived. Minimalist, light-coloured furniture can make small rooms feel larger, while more substantial pieces can make large spaces feel cosier. Strategically chosen furniture demonstrates how each room can be used to its full potential, highlighting the home’s functionality.

    Enhancing Architectural Features

    Furniture should complement, not compete with, a home’s architectural style. The right pieces enhance the home’s natural beauty and draw attention to key features like windows or open spaces. For example, mid-century modern furniture in a mid-century home creates a cohesive, polished look.


    Neutral vs. Bold Choices

    Neutral furniture appeals to a broader audience, creating a blank canvas for buyers to imagine their style. However, adding bold pieces, like a statement chair or artwork, can make the home more memorable. It is a skill to be able to strike the right balance between neutral and bold, ensuring the space feels inviting without being overwhelming. 

    Quality, Comfort and Instilling Confidence

    High-quality, comfortable furniture sends a message about the overall care of the home. Comfortable, inviting furniture helps buyers envision living there, making them more emotionally invested. Whether it’s a space to love for a homeowner, a residential or commercial property development, furniture selection is key in shaping how we perceive the space, enhance functionality, and connect emotionally. By choosing the right furniture, we create a place that not only looks appealing but also sells itself.

    If you’re looking for a holistic end-to-end solution BOWERBIRD can help – take the stress out of styling your property, from design, procurement, warehouse, project management, and delivery to installation. Contact us today to get started.

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